Gerente de Oficina/ Office Manager (español/inglés)
Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca
Publicado hace más de 30 días
- Empresa:
- Tlayudona
- Descripción de la Empresa:
- Micro-empresa de viajes y experiencias turísticas alternativas, basado en Oaxaca. Trabajamos en comunidades haciendo experiencias didácticas para visitantes internacionales.
- Tipo de Contrato:
- Por Contrato
- Experiencia requerida:
- 2 años
- Educación requerida:
- Superior / Universitaria
- Cantidad de Vacantes:
- 1
Descripción de la oferta de trabajo
Tlayudona is a woman-owned small business in Oaxaca, MX. We offer an innovative alternative tourism platform for hosting memorable socio-cultural exchanges and learning experiences. We are currently a small business, with a plan to transition to becoming a non-profit in 2025.
Manager Job Description:
The Manager at Tlayudona is responsible for running the daily operations of the business. This position is overseen by the founder/owner. This position is responsible for organizing and overseeing our translators, hosts, and drivers, as well as contracted service providers such as office cleaning and website maintenance.
This requires spoken and written fluency in English and in Spanish. The Manager offers customer service to guests who enter our office, as well as maintains communication with guests who contact Tlayudona via email, social media, or our Whatsapp contact. This requires sales experience or general knowledge of customer service.
This position offers flexibility and creative autonomy over designing new experiences, recruiting new experience hosts, and contributing in innovative ways to the Tlayudona’s growth and success.
Manager directly oversees daily operations such as Tlayudona’s calendar programming, cash flow, and staff organization, as well as ongoing marketing and networking tasks. You will work in conjunction with our founder to systematize daily operations for our upcoming transition into becoming a non-profit enterprise.
The Manager reports directly to the founder/owner and has organizational control over the operations of the business as well as additional staff and contracted service providers.
Job Responsibilities/Duties:
Maintain the office in an orderly presentation in order to attract and receive potential customers.
Receive customers throughout the day, giving them immediate priority
Receive payments from clients who would like to sign up for events, maintain immaculate records of payments and cash flow for bookings
Post on Tlayudona´s social media platforms- Instagram & Facebook with daily stories and 3 weekly curated posts
Organize photos for use in promotions and marketing
Keep Tlayudona’s website up-to-date, add events to our calendar, track host availability
Maintain Tlayudona´s events listings:, etc
Design, print, post fliers for upcoming events.
Solicit reviews from guests: Trip advisor, Google, etc.
Coordinate upcoming experiences between hosts, translators, and drivers
Work in conjunction with Tlayudona’s founder to complete tasks in our quarterly plan in order to transition to non-profit status
Develop marketing strategy and execute plan
Oversee volunteers (governmental and private for tasks related to social media, etc)
Process monthly tax payments at the bank. Maintain contact with the accountant for confirmations.
Experiences & Transportation Services:
Ensure that experiences run smoothly and that there is open communication between the translator, driver, and guests
Receive and archive photos for social media posts, etc.
Work with new hosts to better the experiences they offer. Oversee practice “runs” of their experiences to ensure quality the first time they´re on the calendar.
Troubleshoot any last-minute issues that arise during experiences
Join the Founder on new excursions to assess quality, develop content, and oversee development
Excellent spoken and written English for customer service, emails, online posts, maintenance of social media, website, etc.
Spanish fluency for communicating with hosts
Organized and detail-oriented (must be able to systematize information and keep track of payments, dates, times, etc)
Outgoing, sociable personality with sales experience or aptitude
Open-minded and non-judgemental attitude toward guests, hosts, clients, etc
Creative and passionate learner.
Adaptable and able to troubleshoot. Conflict resolution skills.
Trustworthy and self-motivated. Must be able to work unsupervised on the tasks at hand.
Understanding of Microsoft Office programs,social media platforms, and design software (Facebook, Instagram, Hootsuite, Canva, Trello, etc).
Understanding of basic bookkeeping, cash-flow documents, and scheduling
Leadership attitude, the ability to organize and lead translators, drivers, and hosts through example and positive guidance
Flexibility regarding vacation time, with advanced notice.
Autonomy regarding daily flow, as long as output is met.
Chance for growth and salary increase depending on output.
The opportunity to participate directly in the growth and transformation of Tlayudona as we transition into becoming a non-profit enterprise.
A supportive and creative work environment.
Advanced training programs available after a 3-month trial period.
3 Month trial period with revision to assess a yearly contract.
10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, Saturdays 11 a.m-2 p.m. *
*Schedule is based on a full-time commitment of 40 hours weekly. 38 hours are required in the office. There is an expectation that the office manager will have to occasionally confirm messages to clients, hosts, translators & drivers regarding next-day services outside of office hours. These messages account for the extra 2 hours weekly, although they generally require considerably less time.
Compensation depends on experience. Initial salary will be administered on the 1st and 15th of each month for a trial period of three months, with an opportunity for an increase at that time, depending on performance and output.